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Door Swing Information

Door Swing Information

Below is a listing of all products under the category Door Swing Information:

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Facroy Direct Doors Exterior Door Swings
Exterior Door Swings
Product Code: EXTSWING
Lead Time:
Please click to enlarge drawing illustrating swing specifications for exterior singles and pairs.

Facroy Direct Doors Left Swing Drawing
Left Swing Drawing
Product Code: Left Swing Drawing
Lead Time: Always
Doors are always called "PUSHING THE DOOR AWAY" from your chest.

If the door swings to the right it is a "Right Hung"
If the door swings to the left it is a "Left Hung"

Do not use the word "Hand" it cannot be distinguished
Do not pull the door towards you. If the door is a closet door
that swings out, stand in the closet (not for too long) and
push the door out into the hallway (away from your chest)

Facroy Direct Doors Right Swing Drawing
Right Swing Drawing
Product Code: Right Swing Drawing
Lead Time: Always
See Left swing for complete information and then reverse it!

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